5 responses

  1. CV
    April 9, 2017

    Any info on The Boogie Kings, a Louisiana based blue eyed soul band that played at Pussycat A Go Go in the 60’s?


    • Larry J Dunlap
      May 6, 2017

      Sorry CV, don’t recall the band. Do you have any more specific information about the band or the timing?


  2. shirley naso
    August 9, 2016

    Larry – I usually take books out of the library because I’m too broke to pay for them. I find the summations of your book(s) compelling. Do you know of a place where they could loan it to me and I would return it? My library tried going out of the county where I live (New Jersey) and they don’t have it. I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks.


    • Larry J Dunlap
      August 11, 2016

      Shirley, how about I make you a deal? I’ll send you an autographed copy of NIGHT PEOPLE, and you see if you can donate it to your library. I’ll include a copy of Foreword Review Magazine (distributed to nearly all libraries in the US) published last fall where Night People was featured in their Memoir section you can show them. This is an excerpt from their review:

      “Dunlap relates much of the story through conversations, and his California journey features a number of memorable characters. [Night People] … is an enjoyable hangout book, a chance to spend time with witty characters at that point in their lives when success feels so close, but the path to get there isn’t quite clear.” – Jeff Fleischer, Foreword Reviews Magazine, Fall Issue 2015, Memoir ForeSight section

      And I wouldn’t mind an Amazon review. 🙂 If you’d like to do this, send me a street address where I can mail Night People to you via larry@cvppress.com.


      • Larry J Dunlap
        August 11, 2016

        Currently various libraries around Southern California that I am aware of are shelving NIGHT PEOPLE, especially in the Inland Empire and Orange County areas south and east of Los Angeles. There may be others since Night People was featured on both NetGalley and Foreword Review Magazine, places where libraries often look for books. If, like Shirley, your library doesn’t have NIGHT PEOPLE in their stacks yet, ask them to contact info@claremontvillagepress.com or go to the claremontvillagepress.com website, where they will find help in getting copies. Thanks!


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