Why You Should Write A Five-minute Book Review
Here’s why you should take 5 minutes to write a book review. Because you liked the story. Because it helps the author. Because it might lead to the author writing and publishing another story which you might like as well or better. Because if you don’t, you may not find another book by an author you like. Or a similar one, in the same genre or writing style.
Have you ever had a favorite TV show, brand, or store suddenly disappear? I’ve wondered whether it was because people who liked them failed to tell others about it. It can happen to books and authors as well. Books need reviews, and fortunately there are places online where your voice will be heard. For new authors especially, reader reviews are the single most powerful influence on potential readers. And you can do it by taking five minutes to write a short review to say, hey I liked this book, or I liked it a little, or even I hated it. A sentence or two, a paragraph on Amazon or Goodreads for example.
You may say that you’re not a book reviewer. You wouldn’t know where to start. It’s not difficult. Just write in simple language such as these examples:
I liked this book.
I enjoyed this book. I hope to read more by this author.
Easy. Five minutes. You can do it. And if you do write a simple review, like this, thanks, on behalf of every author for every book you review. You are who we write for. I guarantee you I read them and appreciate your extra effort more than I can tell you.
Here’s a link to where you can do that for Night People, Book 1 of Things We Lost in the Night, A Memoir of Love and Music in the 60s with Stark Naked and the Car Thieves while it’s still in pre-release at GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25239309-night-people?ac=1