Cover art. Finding the right cover art is…
Cover art. Finding the right cover art is huge. While you are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, in fact they most often are. I’ve introduced several cover ideas over the last couple of years but I’m getting a little more serious about it. I’ve been checking out various memoirs for quite a while for cover art, and I still like Cheryl Strayed’s cover art for Wild. I decided I might like a Hammond B3 organ, like the one I played but I couldn’t find one anywhere. Finally, I ran across the picture below on a private site, House Of Hammonds, in Iowa. I contacted the owner, and the photographer and they agreed to let me use it for my book. I’m definitely considering it, it’s a 1968 model with Leslie 122 speaker, just like mine except I used two. It looks to me like we could have just walked off this stage … Anybody got an opinions?